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?Anime Trivia - Do you know...
Try your hand at some of our anime trivia questions and see if you know as much as you think you do!
Solo Leveling
What classification was Sung Jinwoo given by the System?
Bocchi the Rock!
What's the name of Bocchi's channel where she posts herself playing guitar?
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End
What flower does Frieren use to decorate Himmel's statue?
A.Blue moon weed flowers.
New Anime Questions & Quizzes
Take a look at some of our newest and most recently updated Anime Trivia Quizzes. We curated our Anime quiz questions to give you the best experience possible!
The Kingdoms of Ruin
Hametsu no Oukoku
Hajime no Ippo
Hajime no Ippo
Blue Eye Samurai
Blue Eye Samurai
Your Lie in April
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Ao Ashi
Ao Ashi
Death Note
Death Note
AnimeTrivia.app: Your Anime Trivia Hub
Test your knowledge with AnimeTrivia.app's collection of anime trivia quizzes!
Challenge yourself and your friends with over 1000+ anime trivia questions and answers. Our questions range from easy to hard for each quiz, providing something for new anime fans and seasoned Otaku alike.
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