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Tokyo Ghoul
Trivia & Quiz Questions

Tokyo Kushu Trivia & Quiz Questions

About Our Tokyo Ghoul Anime Trivia Questions

This is our list of anime trivia questions and answers for Tokyo Ghoul. Feel free to use these trivia questions for your trivia nights and quiz nights!

These Tokyo Ghoul questions are plot and character-driven, we want to provide you with the highest quality questions possible! Generic Tokyo Kushu questions are great, but plot based questions are what will really test your knowledge.

Lots of these Tokyo Ghoul questions have been community submitted and have a range of easy, hard, and almost impossible questions! This should provide a strong range of questions for every type of Tokyo Ghoul fan.

If you want to learn more about Tokyo Ghoul, be sure to check out its page on MyAnimeList.

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We have 16 Tokyo Ghoul Trivia Questions (and Answers!)

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What was the last thing Arc remembers from his original life?

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Vinland Saga

Who killed Thorfinn’s father?

How did Thors die?

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How did Masaru Katou die at the beginning of the movie?

What is the name of the two Gantz Teams?

Hachiro Oka had the most wins out of anyone in the game. How many 100 point wins total did he have?

Trivia Question Accuracy

Headshot of Bleeus
Tokyo Ghoul questions moderated by:Bleeus

Bleeus is a veteran weeb and anime lover. He has watched over 300 different shows in the last 3 years and loves to test his anime knowledge.

Fun Fact: He is a big Legend of the Galactic Heroes fan, contributing the majority of our LoGH Trivia Questions.

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